
Walking & Jogging


Horseback Riding

Wheel Chairs


Cross Country Skiing


Dog Sledding



Trail Etiquette

Be courteous of other folks using the rail trail!


  • Motorized vehicles are NOT permitted other than pedal-assist bikes and snowmobiles in winter.

  • Announce your presence early, especially when passing, in a friendly, neighborly way.

  • Keep your pets under voice control or leashed at all times.

  • Announce yourself early when passing and use a friendly voice; do not wait until you are directly next to the party you are passing.


  • Stay to the RIGHT.

  • Slow down to pass.


  • When approaching or passing someone with a dog, ask permission if you want to approach.

  • If you have a dog, ask before letting your dog approach the other dog.

  • Announce if your dog needs a wide berth when someone is passing.

  • Pick up after your dog and do not leave bagged waste behind (even if you plan to pick it up on your return trip).

  • Dogs must be leashed and under control when approaching horses.


  • When approaching from behind, whether on foot or on a bike, announce yourself and do not pass until the rider acknowledges you and indicates it is clear to pass.

  • When approaching from the front on foot, greet the rider and give them space while passing. 

  • When approaching from the front on a bike, slow or stop until the rider passes or indicates it is okay for you to proceed.

  • Do not approach horses without the rider’s permission.

  • Remain clearly in view of the riders and the horses. Do not step off trail or stand behind trees or bushes.



Class 1 and Class 2

Class 1: pedal-assist only, where the pedal-assist cuts off at 20 mph, and the user must pedal to go faster. 

Class 2: throttled on demand, which operates by a throttle, by pedal-assist or by both. The throttle cuts off at 20 mph, and the user must pedal to go faster. 

Not Permitted 

Class 3

Class 3: pedal-assist only, where the pedal-assist cuts off at 28 mph, and the user must pedal to go faster.

For more information check out this post from Bike Walk Alliance of NH

Where Can I Charge My Bike?

Friends of the Northern Rail Trail has added e-bike charging stations at three locations along the rail trail. Outdoor 120 volt outlets are now well signed and available to rail trail users to top off e-bike batteries at the following locations:

  • Homestead Inn’s garage (188 King St., Boscawen), which faces Depot Street and is a short distance from the trailhead at Jamie Welch Park;

  • Highland Lake Inn and event venue, up the hill a short distance to 32 Maple St., Andover, from the red-roofed firehouse and picnic area located on the rail trail;

  • The south side of the Danbury Country Store at 705 Route 4 across the street from the rail trail in the center of Danbury.



From Danbury’s north town line to the southern terminus the trail has been leveled with a road grader, compacted, and then covered with an engineered mixture of stone dust. This has left a smooth, hard surface that makes a fine, natural-looking trail and one that can self-heal from most damage. North of the Danbury town line the surface is a mix of original railroad cinder and engineered stone dust, easily traversed on a hybrid bike.


Trail Access

The Rail Trail is accessible from multiple points along its length. Town specific locations can be found below. Also check out Maps.




  • The intersection of Depot St. and Route 4 at Canaan Town Parking Lot, or on the west side of the old Freight Shed building at the end of Depot St

  • The intersection of Potato Rd and Route 4



  • The intersection of High St. and Route 4, dedicated Northern Rail Trail trail head parking. Look for the big yellow bike sign

  • Danbury Country Store is an FNRT Welcome Center. In addition to toilet facilities the store offers a wide range of food and drink. The store is located just across Route 4 from the trailhead Google Maps

  • Geoffies Landing Google Maps


  • at the Potter Place R.R. Station, Depot St. in Potter Place

  • at the Blackwater Park 0.5 miles S. of Routes. 4 & 11 on Lawrence St., Andover


  • Unpaved section of Channel Road at Highland Lake in E. Andover (parking at the fire station is not permitted)

  • Highland Lake Inn is an FNRT Welcome Center located at 32 Maple St, East Andover. Parking is available in the parking lot on the side of the barn for about 10-15 cars. Innkeepers’ permission is requested to ensure availability for the parking term

  • Intersection with Dyer’s Crossing Road, East Andover


  • at the intersection of Chance Pond Road and Rte 11 at Webster Lake

  • where the trail crosses Holy Cross Road at Webster Place


  • at Gerrish Depot on Rte. 3

  • at Depot Street Access off Rte. 3; a block east of the center of Boscawen just before the entrance to Jamie Welch Memorial Field where the rail trail crosses Depot St.

  • at the Hannah Dustin Park & Ride (approx. ½ mile from trail head)